5 Critical Gas and Resource Management Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts

August 13, 2024


Welcome back, blockchain enthusiasts and Solidity developers! Today, we're diving into a crucial aspect of smart contract development that often doesn't get the attention it deserves: gas and resource management. In the Ethereum ecosystem, every operation costs gas, and poor gas management can lead to contracts that are expensive to use, vulnerable to attacks, or even completely unusable.

In this article, we'll explore five critical vulnerabilities related to gas and resource management in smart contracts:

  1. Out-of-Gas DoS
  2. Block Gas Limit DoS
  3. Unbounded Operations
  4. Unexpected Gas Costs
  5. Gas Griefing Attacks

Let's dive in and learn how to identify these vulnerabilities and implement effective mitigation strategies.

1. Out-of-Gas DoS


An Out-of-Gas Denial of Service (DoS) occurs when a function requires more gas to execute than the gas limit allows, making the function permanently unavailable.

Vulnerable Code Example

contract VulnerableArray {
    uint[] public array;

    function addElement(uint element) public {

    function removeAllElements() public {
        for(uint i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
}Code language: PHP (php)

Attack Scenario

An attacker could add a large number of elements to the array, making removeAllElements() too gas-intensive to execute within the block gas limit.

Mitigation Strategy

Implement a pull-over-push pattern or allow partial operations:

contract SaferArray {
    uint[] public array;
    uint public constant MAX_REMOVE_ITERATIONS = 1000;

    function addElement(uint element) public {

    function removeElements(uint iterations) public {
        uint removeCount = iterations < MAX_REMOVE_ITERATIONS ? iterations : MAX_REMOVE_ITERATIONS;
        for(uint i = 0; i < removeCount && array.length > 0; i++) {
}Code language: PHP (php)

This approach allows for partial removal of elements, preventing the function from running out of gas.

2. Block Gas Limit DoS


Similar to Out-of-Gas DoS, but specifically targets operations that could exceed the block gas limit, making them impossible to execute in a single transaction.

Vulnerable Code Example

contract VulnerableAirdrop {
    address[] public recipients;
    mapping(address => bool) public claimed;

    function addRecipients(address[] memory _recipients) public {
        for(uint i = 0; i < _recipients.length; i++) {

    function airdropTokens() public {
        for(uint i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) {
            if(!claimed[recipients[i]]) {
                // Transfer tokens to recipient
                claimed[recipients[i]] = true;
}Code language: PHP (php)

Attack Scenario

If the number of recipients becomes too large, the airdropTokens function could exceed the block gas limit, making it impossible to execute.

Mitigation Strategy

Implement a batched operation pattern:

contract SaferAirdrop {
    address[] public recipients;
    mapping(address => bool) public claimed;
    uint public constant BATCH_SIZE = 100;
    uint public currentIndex;

    function addRecipients(address[] memory _recipients) public {
        for(uint i = 0; i < _recipients.length; i++) {

    function airdropTokensBatch() public {
        uint endIndex = currentIndex + BATCH_SIZE;
        if (endIndex > recipients.length) {
            endIndex = recipients.length;

        for(uint i = currentIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
            if(!claimed[recipients[i]]) {
                // Transfer tokens to recipient
                claimed[recipients[i]] = true;

        currentIndex = endIndex;
}Code language: PHP (php)

This approach allows the airdrop to be performed in batches, preventing block gas limit issues.

3. Unbounded Operations


Unbounded operations are loops or recursive calls that can potentially iterate over an extremely large number of elements, consuming excessive gas or exceeding the block gas limit.

Vulnerable Code Example

contract VulnerableVoting {
    struct Voter {
        bool voted;
        uint vote;

    mapping(address => Voter) public voters;
    address[] public voterAddresses;

    function vote(uint _vote) public {
        require(!voters[msg.sender].voted, "Already voted.");
        voters[msg.sender].voted = true;
        voters[msg.sender].vote = _vote;

    function countVotes() public view returns (uint[] memory) {
        uint[] memory voteCounts = new uint[](5);
        for(uint i = 0; i < voterAddresses.length; i++) {
            uint vote = voters[voterAddresses[i]].vote;
        return voteCounts;
}Code language: PHP (php)

Attack Scenario

If a large number of voters participate, the countVotes function could become too gas-intensive to call, effectively locking the voting results.

Mitigation Strategy

Implement a rolling tally or off-chain computation:

contract SaferVoting {
    struct Voter {
        bool voted;
        uint vote;

    mapping(address => Voter) public voters;
    uint[] public voteCounts;

    constructor(uint _optionCount) {
        voteCounts = new uint[](_optionCount);

    function vote(uint _vote) public {
        require(!voters[msg.sender].voted, "Already voted.");
        require(_vote < voteCounts.length, "Invalid vote option.");
        voters[msg.sender].voted = true;
        voters[msg.sender].vote = _vote;

    function getVoteCounts() public view returns (uint[] memory) {
        return voteCounts;
}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This approach maintains a running tally of votes, eliminating the need for an unbounded operation to count votes.

4. Unexpected Gas Costs


Some operations in Solidity have non-obvious gas costs, which can lead to unexpected out-of-gas errors or make functions more expensive than anticipated.

Vulnerable Code Example

contract VulnerableStorage {
    uint[] public data;

    function updateData(uint[] memory newData) public {
        data = newData;
}Code language: PHP (php)

Attack Scenario

Calling updateData with a large array could consume an unexpectedly large amount of gas, as storing data in storage is much more expensive than memory operations.

Mitigation Strategy

Be aware of gas-intensive operations and optimize where possible:

contract SaferStorage {
    uint[] public data;
    uint public constant MAX_DATA_LENGTH = 1000;

    function updateData(uint[] memory newData) public {
        require(newData.length <= MAX_DATA_LENGTH, "Data too large");
        uint[] storage storedData = data;
        uint minLength = newData.length < storedData.length ? newData.length : storedData.length;

        // Update existing elements
        for(uint i = 0; i < minLength; i++) {
            storedData[i] = newData[i];

        // Add new elements
        for(uint i = minLength; i < newData.length; i++) {

        // Remove excess elements
        while(storedData.length > newData.length) {
}Code language: PHP (php)

This approach optimizes storage updates and limits the maximum size of the data array.

5. Gas Griefing Attacks


Gas griefing occurs when an attacker manipulates the gas costs of transactions sent by other users, typically in contracts that forward calls or work with user-supplied data.

Vulnerable Code Example

contract VulnerableForwarder {
    function forward(address target, bytes memory data) public {
        (bool success,) = target.call(data);
        require(success, "Forward failed");
}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Attack Scenario

An attacker could call forward with a target contract that consumes all or most of the available gas, causing the transaction to fail and wasting the caller's gas.

Mitigation Strategy

Implement gas limits for forwarded calls:

contract SaferForwarder {
    uint public constant MAX_GAS_LIMIT = 100000;

    function forward(address target, bytes memory data, uint gasLimit) public {
        require(gasLimit <= MAX_GAS_LIMIT, "Gas limit too high");
        (bool success,) = target.call{gas: gasLimit}(data);
        require(success, "Forward failed");
}Code language: PHP (php)

This approach allows the caller to specify a gas limit for the forwarded call, preventing gas griefing attacks.

Best Practices for Gas and Resource Management

  1. Always consider the gas costs of your operations, especially in loops and storage operations.
  2. Implement batched operations for functions that might exceed the block gas limit.
  3. Be cautious with unbounded operations and implement limits or alternative designs.
  4. Use gas-efficient data structures and algorithms.
  5. Consider off-chain computation for complex operations.
  6. Implement gas limits for operations involving user-supplied data or external calls.
  7. Regularly test your contracts with large datasets to identify potential gas issues.


Gas and resource management vulnerabilities can render smart contracts unusable or vulnerable to attacks. By understanding these five critical vulnerabilities and implementing the suggested mitigations, you can significantly enhance the efficiency, usability, and security of your smart contracts.

Remember, in the world of Ethereum, every operation has a cost. Efficient gas management is not just about saving users money – it's about ensuring your contract remains functional and resistant to attacks.

Stay gas-efficient, and happy coding!

Did you find this deep dive into gas and resource management vulnerabilities illuminating? Don't miss our other articles in the "50 Critical Smart Contract Vulnerabilities" series to further fortify your blockchain applications. Have you encountered any tricky gas-related issues in your smart contracts? Share your experiences or questions in the comments below!

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